Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mark 8

The retreat in Iowa was awesome, and I'm so glad that the Lord blessed the ladies present. As I was reading Mark 8 this morning, v. 18 got my attention, Jesus is asking his disciples, "Can't you see? Can't you hear? Don't you remember anything at all?"

I thought it funny that it seems like a pastor's cry to his flock. After pastoring for 22 years, often this is what Jeff and I asked each other. Didn't they pay attention to what we taught? Sometimes to a level of high frustration. One time I even decided I wouldn't speak at youth camps anymore. They would say they loved what I had to share, but no transformation at all.

Yet, as I was remembering this, Jesus seemed to be asking me, "Don't you understand even yet?"(v. 23). How often am I guilty of not remembering what He teaches me over and over again? How many times do you need to hear something till you obey? I'm asking myself this question today.

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